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    Monday, February 23, 2009

    Marc Ostrick & on Fox Business Network

    Today, I was interviewed on Fox Business Network live via satellite from Los Angeles to discuss the launch of It was one of the most unnatural and anxiety provoking experiences I have had in a long time. But I have to admit it was still a fun challenge.

    It's tough to stare directly into a camera (with a 1970s smiley face taped on top) and pretend like I am talking to a person who I can't see. I had an earpiece jammed into my ear and could only hear their tinny audio - the audio feed sounded as if it was coming from China.

    Overall, it went well, but the two hosts, Tom Sullivan and Cheryl Casone I don't think visited the site over the weekend just to get the idea of what was about. They busted my balls a bit, but what do you expect at Fox. I'm just happy to have a platform to get the word out. It took a few seconds for me to loosen up a bit, but by the end I was getting the hang of it. I'm curious to hear your thoughts...

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